Source code for gaiatest.apps.system.regions.sleep_view

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from marionette_driver import expected, By, Wait

from gaiatest.apps.base import Base
from gaiatest.apps.base import PageRegion

[docs]class SleepScreen(Base): _sleep_menu_locator = (By.ID, "sleep-menu") _menu_items_locator = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#sleep-menu-container > section > ul > li") _cancel_button_locator = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#sleep-menu-container > gaia-buttons > button") @property def is_menu_visible(self): return self.is_element_displayed(*self._sleep_menu_locator)
[docs] def wait_for_sleep_menu_visible(self): Wait(self.marionette).until(expected.element_displayed(*self._sleep_menu_locator))
[docs] def tap_cancel_button(self): self.marionette.find_element(*self._cancel_button_locator).tap()
@property def menu_items(self): return [self.MenuItem(self.marionette, item) for item in self.marionette.find_elements(*self._menu_items_locator)]
[docs] class MenuItem(PageRegion): @property def name(self): return self.root_element.text
[docs] def tap(self): self.root_element.tap()